Once you enter and use GOBOOC.COM website, you accept and agree, without limitation, modification or alteration, the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement.
At GOBOOC.COM, we seek to provide information about our website as accurately as possible and available to our partners. Some errors may be made out of control. GOBOOC.COM assumes no responsibility for any error in the information (including, but not limited to, services, products, images and the name of the rooms) provided by the website independently or through its partners and any other party. At GOBOOC.COM, we are always take care to provide the most accurate details honesty without any deliberate alteration or misrepresentation. By using the website, you acknowledge and agree that an update and/or modify the information published on the website may be made, and modify and/or add an item or more on the terms and conditions and/or privacy policy or develop the Customer Service Policy, at any time without prior notice, and acknowledge that upon your use of our Services provided in our platform that the terms and conditions become effective once posted on the website. There will be no retroactive effect on any bookings after or when using the services provided in our platform. You agree to read the Terms and Conditions each time you visit the website to ensure that you are aware of all terms and conditions and privacy policies and that your continued use of the website consider an acceptance of any change to the terms and conditions.
At GOBOOC.COM, we use all means to ensure that the website is ready and available for the maximum benefit and interest to the customer. However, we cannot guarantee the continuous of the operation of the website without interruption.
GOBOOC.COM does not make any express or implied warranties regarding the content of the website, and has the right to waive all guarantees to the fullest extent permitted by law. Your use of the services and software offered and available on GOBOOC.COM is at your own risk and we at GOBOOC.COM or any of our partners do not make any guarantees about the reliability, accuracy or freeness of such software from viruses. According to the law in force it does not bear GOBOOC.COM, its agencies, suppliers and/or services providers, under no circumstances, any direct, indirect, incidental or penal responsibilities or dependent/deterrent compensation to any kind of damage arising out of any means related to the use of the GOBOOC website or GOBOOC.COM applications or Inability to use it, whether due to breach of contract, damage, negligence, product effectiveness or other reasons that are expected to arise from your use of the website or the application.
If you are dissatisfied with any aspect of the website or if you have any complaint of any service provided, you can communicate with GOBOOC.COM via:
Send a message to [email protected]
Or call: +966112828200 - +966920004090
Or visit our office in Riyadh at
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